Nostra's Podcast
Nostra's Podcast
5 am, I have chills...
Chagrin d'amour is a French duo formed in 1981 and composed of Grégory Ken, whose real name is Jean-Pierre Trochu, and Valli Timbert, better known as Valli.
Grégory Ken started his musical career at the end of the 60s by releasing several 45s, the success of which was very limited.
During 70, his career took off when he participated in several major musicals of that time namely Hair, Mayflower and other Jesus Christ Superstar. He is also the creator of Ziggy in Starmania.
Valli as for her, is American and married to a French. In the early 1980s, she and her husband moved to France and it was while wanting to work in show business that she met Grégory Ken.
A meeting that leads to the formation of an explosive duo, a duo that can be considered today as one of the precursor groups of rap in France. Even if this version of French rap is very sanitized compared to the major musical movement which then shook America.
It was in 1981 that their first single was released, a small single called "Chacun fait (C’Qui lui plait)" label. And for a first try, it's a real masterstroke. The title is a hit and literally sets fire to every Dancefloor in France, so much so that it will sell at one point up to 35,000 copies per day ! The magical duo thus enter in a sensational way in the musical history of this end of the XXth century on the French side !
Their first album, which bears the name of the group, was released a year later in 1982 but was not very successful despite the presence of other good tracks like "Bonjour (vla les nouvelles)." The disappointment is great for the duo.
In 1984, they released a second album "Mon Bob et moi" but the result was hardly more brilliant.
The duo will not resist and each will go their own way, Valli embarking on a solo career that will see him achieve a hit with the cover of "The more I see you".
As for Grégory Ken, he will lend his voice to numerous commercials and trailers before fate catches up with him in 1996, when he will die prematurely of cancer.
But those words that have become legendary will be remembered for a long time to come: "5 in the morning, I have chills, I chatter my teeth and turn up the volume ...".